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Saturday 2 February 2013 | 02:12 | 0 comments
Introduce my group SHAO. Maybe it sound like weird but never mind... actually we all are out of idea for giving a name for our group member so, we decide to use our capital latter for our name. S represent for my name Shahilah, H for Hamiza, A for Alia and the last capital latter O is represent our member named Ong. We made this group last year but we officially accepted and do our debut on this year by our WM Entertainment Core. We know each and get closed last year. This year we are like family and we shared everything together. We have release our album on the last year and get such a big support from the fans. We also have appeared on series drama about thriller, titled...actually we also don't know yet the title of the drama. The director say that he will informed we if he want to show the drama. Ok I will introduce to you a little about our member one by one. Our member Hamiza was born on 5 March and the tallest member in this group. The another one is Alia who's born on 25 May and well speak in korean. The last one is our maknae and was born on 30 September, was the talk-active member in this group. And I was born on 12 February and I was the older member in this group. Our vector named as known as Yuno Joki was born on 6 September so, he was my dongsaeng to. Our manager of WM Entertainment named Ainnur was born on 22 December but more older then we (2years older). That's all for today. I will post more about SHAO and please inform me if you want to know about our group SHAO more). Anything to ask? Just comment (and your comment must related to my post, if not, I will ignore your comment)