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Fantasy became Reality
Saturday 15 December 2012 | 03:29 | 0 comments
It was like I'm dreaming right now. I can laugh how much I want and I can feel the happiness, seriously. I just watching Running Man with my cousin at channel SBS just now. Seriously, me and my cousin laugh to much until our stomach feel like want to expose! Hahaha we're overnight and do not think about what will happen tomorrow and what have happened just now. We only care about what will we do right now. The past is past. The upcoming just a fate. We just arrange what we want to do but Allah who determine.  I enjoy watching Music Bank with my cousin who named Ainnur Dariyah. She was so close with me. We shared our story together. Sometime I feel annoyed by her but, that feel make me appreciate her so much. If not because of her, my room will be so boring, moody, no laugh and no happiness. You know what? We human never perfect. We all have our journey and we all must put a light along the journey to make it more bright and easy for we to find the true way in our life. We have difference journey that make we jealous with others and didn't appreciate to what we have. You can freely smile and laugh. You have your freedom to do whatever you want if you're happy with that. I always remember what I read, Walt Disney had told that sound like this "If you can dream it, you can do it." So always make the fantasy comes true (reality). No one can stop you to do what you had dream. Just believe to yourself and make you free from those "low-minded" because they are the one who make your fantasy is just a fantasy. Against them and make your fantasy become reality. Do it depends to what Allah says. Islam is simple.